Newton Kibara

Location of Incident:
Bombolulu, Mombasa
Manner of Death:
10 Police officers
Status of Case:
No arrest
Date of Incident:
Informal Worker
A police operation on Saturday morning in Bombolulu, Mombasa left 5 men dead. Nyali sub-county police commander, Dr Daniel Masaba confirmed the killings stating the deceased were suspected robbers. After investigations, MUHURI dispute the police account of the deaths. It is reported that police officer abducted 5 men on March 17, 2021. Benedicto Kago Mugure was allegedly abducted by police officers at 11am, the officers broke into his home, locked his house help in a room and disappeared with him. Nine officers allegedly abducted Newton Kibara at 3 pm in Mishomoroni, Kisauni and torched his motorbike. The families of the adducted reported their kins made missing person reports thereafter. Police killed Mugure, Kibara and 3 unidentified individuals in a residential room in Bombolulu, Kisauni. Investigators only found bullet marks on one wall in the room, disputing the police account